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Nitpickers Guild Logo


You've reach the Guild Member Services of NCIEO.

The Guild Member Services Area of NCIEO (Nitpicker Central Internet Extension Office) contains five sections: About the Guild, Current Guild Statistics, Joining or Registering with the Guild, The Nitpickers Guild Glossary and The Nitpickers Guild Membership List. Please scroll down for a short description of each section.

About the Guild Icon


Just how did this shindig get started anyway? And, what in the world is it supposed to be accomplishing?

Current Stats Icon


How many members are currently in the Guild? You might be surprised when you learn the number. And, where do they all come from? Also, just how many letters have come to that post office box in Springfield, Missouri? (I'll give you a hint: They won't all fit in a bread box!) This information gets updated about once a month when I update the membership files.

Join the Guild Icon


There be nits out there, matey, languishing for the picking but they won't be prized lessen someone goes out and finds them. In other words, the Guild needs you! And yes, I admit that I have an ulterior in all this. Namely, get more material, sell more books! But hey, if you're the first person to send in a nit and I use it in a Nitpicker's Guide (and I don't make a mistake with the credits . . . honest, I do try my best to get that right), you get your name listed in the front of that Guide. Think of the fame! Think of the adulation! Think of the fortune! (No wait: there is no fortune. I keep the royalties. Gotta feed my family, dontcha know!) Then you won't only be a member of the Nitpickers Guild. You'll be a "print-acknowledged" member of the Guild. (Ooooh!) From there you might go on to become a "referenced" member of the Guild. (Double-Ooooh!) There when I refer to a person in the body of a Nitpicker's Guide. And then, there's even a possibility you could become a "quoted" member of the Guild. (Oooha, oooha, oooha!) Who can say what great adventure awaits you but first, you have to join! (Also, if you are already a member of the Guild but haven't registered with NCIEO yet please follow the link to this section and drop me an email. Thanks!)

Glossary Icon


Quick! What's a KMYF? Give up? That's when our beloved captain Janeway of the Starship Voyager gets that dreamy look in her eye and pauses as she stares at another character's face. This is the moment when all good nitpickers yell, "Kiss me you, fool!" (Unless, of course, you're watching the show with individuals who don't like nitpicking. Good nitpickers are always respectful of others.) You can find this and other specialty jargon associated with nitpicking in the glossary. Entries like PAL ("Previews Always Lie"), CBS ("Cute But Stupid) and WHIRL ("Wouldn't Happen In Real Life). Follow the link and take a look. You might find it's good for a giggle!

Guild Membership Icon


Herein you will find an almost complete list of the members of the prestigious Nitpickers Guild. (A few have requested that their name not appear though they want to remain in the Guild. I am happy to honor those requests.) Wander around and take a look, you might find someone you know listed inside. And if you join, you're name will appear on the list next time it's update. (I usually update the information once a month.)

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